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I am guessing you can't sell stuff yet? Just gotta drop it or something?


I saw that you would be working on a android version in the future do you happen to have a estimate on a time frame? I've been keeping tabs on this game for a bout a year now and I've been wanting to try it out but I'm limited to my phone


No time frame at the moment


How do you advance after the tutorial? I went through the door but all it did was take me to an empty room with no way to leave aside from the door I came through.


Walk down, the door out of the house is at the bottom.


Thank you! XD I practically after up after a while but this helps!


i dont mean to sound rude or pushy but does the next update have a intended release date? Also i hope you recovered from your illness and this is also a very great game keep up the great work!


*3 days later*





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You might bet able to extract the file from it and use joiplay, but it's glitchy.


nevermind i figured it all out. the reason was because i couldnt find the door but i found it and now i love surrendering just to see the sex scenes

i caught a goblin too


it doesn't let me do anything after taming them. and mabe make the time you have to press the arrows when taming them longer, because its kinda hard to do in such short time.


how do i play the game? i downloaded it already but i dont know how to open it.


i personally cant wait for the next update. This game is so good and well made in my opinon i love it


good game so far. hope you plan to add more stuff soon. is there a way to sell things?


The shop will be how you sell stuff, it's 'mostly' complete, but I still have to implement it into a public build.


good luck and thanks 


I've obtained your game from other sites a couple times in the past ( I don't anymore because I already know I really like your game and want to support it) and I've always really enjoyed it so I'm looking forward to the future of it but I do have a couple Questions.

Sorry if I sound rude, we all know Context can be difficult to discern through text lol.

Is Patreon really the only way to support you? I dislike Patreon greatly but if it's the only option so be it.

Will there eventually be an option to disable Male Monsters and/or Male Voices? I'm a Lesbian/Futa diehard lmao. Though I don't mind Traps either.

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you for playing and enjoying!

Patreon is at the moment, mainly because I never set anything else up and Tamer is not huge. But I appreciate moral support as much as monetary, so stop by the discord and feel free to support me there!

Yes, it's in my list of things to do, it was asked a while back if there will be/can be an option to turn any specific genders off and on. It won't be hard with the way I have coded the genders, but I just have to find time to do it.


It's a legit awesome game you've got going here and I'm looking forward to it's future. Literally the only "issue" I had with it is the gender/voice thing so it's good to know that it's in the plans for the future!

I don't mind Patreon when it's the only option a Creator has for monetary support. I just hope Patreon doesn't force you to butcher the game at some point like it has with so many other HGames. <3

Appreciate the reply ^_^


Yeah, I understand why people might not like patreon, I haven't had any problems yet though, so I hope it keeps going well.


How is the new update coming along and do you have an estimated release date yet?


I am working on it every day I can at the moment, I am hoping to get it done before the end of the year, but nothing more concrete than that at the moment

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I'm curious as to why you haven't made an Android version yet, considering the game is similar to a point and click adventure, which can be ported to mobile relatively easily.


I have built it on android, but some crashes happen, so I haven't released it. It is coming though


i was lookin through reddit and i found someone link this game, im into penis's so i decided to try it and see if it had customizable chars or some gay scenes, i came lookin for scraps but holy hell did i find the holy grail, amazin game and im so pumped for when new updates come out, the only thing i would even dare critisize is the sex animations looking a little wonky, but other than that its amazin and the combat is super fun! amazin game!


Thank you!

Yeah, the old animations are rough. They are all being redone right now, most are finished. I have had a few years to learn how to animate them better, so I hope they are passable in the next update :|


thats great to hear! you have no idea how happy i am for my feed to pop up as having a new update for tamer, im so damn excited to see what suprise you have planned! im really hopin for more stuff involving team managment because me and my team would love some more excitin fights!


hey hows the next update coming along?

(sorry if that sounds rude i don't mean it like that)


It's not rude, don't worry about it. It's on track for a release later this year. It will have all the new animations and scenes in it and a couple of new ones, plus all the other updates I've been doing.


i can't wait to play this amazing game i hope everything goes well with it


Any chance for an android version?


It's in the works, but it won't be out for a while


well, atleast it's planned! Thanks for the info!


still exited for next update


While I like the idea of the game, it would still be nice to have some more content.. and maybe less floaty character movement... in combat and overworld


How to heal or get potions? Can we sleep?


You heal by using potions when out of battle and you get potions from enemy encounter


when is the next playable update? Im really exited for it


I've been sick/injured recently so it's been slow. I can't give an exact date, but I am working on it everyday. It will be before then end of the year, and it will be the biggest update since the game launched.

(1 edit) (+4)

Don't push yourself too hard dude, this game is worth the wait in my opinion. Hope you get better soon.


I agree, developers have to take care of themselves, otherwise not only can they suffer and make things harder but the games may also get affected by it which in turn can do the same to the gamers who enjoyed such games.


oh right sorry i didn't know about your condition hope you get well soon and take your time with the game


Haha, don't worry, and thank you for your concern! I get sick and injured all the damn time. I love making Tamer, and I'll keep doing it whenever I can.


good luck :)


Answer This: Is it possible on the next update we can interact with NPC and sexual scene with them.


Yes, that's already in. The build was just unstable so I don't think I ever released it public


Really intresting change from third person to first person. How ever this change was unbelivably educational for me at least. Thanks and good luck with game development.


This is 2D side on, and 2D top down. I think you have us mixed up with someone else :P


Sorry 2D side to 2D top down. Well blow job is still 2D side so not absolute change I guess.


quick suggestion- add a cuntboy (a vagina but no breasts, icon could be a blue version of the female icon) and possibly a maleherm(penis and vagina but no breasts, icon could be a blue version of the herm icon) option


Yeah, someone brought this up a long time ago. I'm trying to scale back though, there is already too much going on for my part time artist to keep up. I'll make sure to do it next time though.


is the next public version close to being released?


Every time I try give an estimate on this, I'm way off. I want to say soon, but honestly, I can't say for sure. Best place to find out more, would be to hit me up on the discord and I can (probably) answer more specifically, or someone else will let you know.


i love the new animations when are they in the game? if its okay if i ask


Its definitely ok to ask, I am working on tamer every day at the moment, so it will be done sometime soon, but I am currently putting the game through major changes, so it is taking a while. 


k cant wait 


I'll just leave this here till an Android version comes out.


1 month later lol


Yeah, I've gone over this a lot with everyone else that's asked. I started it, but it's going to be a while. A stable game is more important to me than a rushed android build that everyone complains about.


yeah it is also thanks for replying this comment 


can you add Russian to the game


I have never translated any game before, but if/when I do, yeah, it will include all the basics.


Товарищ, если прям не можешь без русского- загугли как  поставить и пользоваться автопереводчиком юнити игр. Так же есть пару сайтов где уже на эту игру накатали этот переводчик.

Comrade, if you can't do it without Russian, Google how to install and use the Unity games auto-translator. There are also a couple of sites where this translator has already been rolled into this game.


Unfortunately, using anything from the asset store in a lewd game is against Unity's terms of service and my editor can be remotely shut down. So for translation, I need to find another way around it. I want to learn how to do localization at some point, so I will do it, but I have a lot of other things to do and learn at the moment, so it will be a bit later.


It should be in steam too, when others can do it 

Deleted 28 days ago

Yes, I started making it a while back. It will eventually come out, when it runs better.

Deleted 28 days ago

where can I download the latest patreon build. I am a patreon, but the only patreon build i can find is it would be nice to have the latest...



Why are patrons only allowed to change race? It doesn't seem fair and also kind of false advertisement? Look, I'll just quote the second sentence from the top of the page "Create your own very custom character, human or monster..." I'm not trying to be rude all I'd like is an explanation on why you made this decision to help me understand thats all. (again I'm not trying to be rude I'm just confused.) Have a good day and I'll await your response.


Yeah, I get it. It's more from when the game was new and there was only one or 2 species. I needed the game  to make enough money for it to pay for the artist: is the explanation.
I have already said that in the next public patch, the public build will have all the species except the most recent one each time.

Thanks for playing!

(The next build has all the species playable (excluding the most recent; dragon) in the public build)
It's taking a while had to do major changes.


Thank you! I hope you have a great day and keep up the good work!

Will you ever make this for Android just curious


Yes, I am in the process of doing it, I wouldn't expect it anytime soon though, it's not a priority at the moment.


I can't even open the animation tests zip file


Which file did you download, and what operating system are you on?


How far along are you with the new update? Is there just bug fixes left or are there more features that you plan on implementing? 


I am about to release a public build for testing the new animations, it won't have the story mode, just all the new animations. If you haven't played in a while, or are still playing the public version, it's a lot of animations.


Quick question:Are you gonna perhaps add dragon in the next update??? 

Like we can fight them or tame them. 


Yeah, they are already in. I added a lot of things in this update, and it is taking a very long time for me to push it out.




only supporters can change race?! LAME!!!


Will there be a apk release


Yeah, I'm working on it. It will take time though.

Just wanted to say is what is an native debugger??? 


broken characters. animations dont make sens. erros during fight. needs lots of work


Indeed it does, that's why it's not in beta yet. I'll get everything working smoothly one day.


will there ever be an android version?

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