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so hey, i just wanted to know how can i join the discord? or is it patreon only?


Just click the button down the bottom of the discord window, anyone can join


oh thanks, when i tried joining last time it sent like 3 error messages at the same time sorry for inconveniencing


It's not a problem at all!


My only wish is that I could play this on Android

Just wanted to say is i went to this site AND i tried this newest version and there is no new tame character yet 😐😐😐.

SORRY for sending this link for everyone 😭.


I don't have any affiliation with that website and I have never given anyone permission to put my game on another website. I'd appreciate it greatly if you don't post links like that in here. If you, or anyone else wants to play the current build or know what the current build is at, the best place to find out is discord, or here on itch. I do not update any other website since Gamejolt stopped allowing NSFW games.

well thx for the information.

soo hows progress on the game going, I haven't been on the discord in a long time


Pretty good, we are just about in beta at the moment. Adding in new animation styles and artwork. It's still just a slow slog for me to do all the development, but its gettin' there


is there any news on the release date for the public update ?


Nothing new at the moment, waiting on some art right now, once that's in and sorted I'll be able to have a better guesstimate. Sorry. Swing into the discord and hit me up for a link to the tester build if you'd like.


(just saying) Do you usually let them try your tester build for your game 


It doesn't bother me, I just don't want my itch page splashed with how broken the build is, so I don't post it here

ok 😐


i have a suggestion could you perhaps add an option to choose which genders of species spawn like only have females spawn or only males or only futa or only femboys if there on?


I had this  option, but disabled it and I can't remember why. I'll add it to my list of things to things to check before beta. Thanks for letting me know!


Is it possible  this can ever work on android  or is that just not happening?


Yeah, I recently had an android build of the game in development, but then learned that I can't use assets from the unity asset store in a nsfw game, and I was using an android controls asset, so I removed the entire thing. So it's on the to-do list, for when I can find time to completely create my own android controls from scratch. But, short answer: Yes, it's coming.


Do you have an estimated idea of when the next update will be ready for public release?


The testers haven given me a list of bugs from the build I just released, once most of the serious bugs are sorted, I'll release it to the public


you're an angel, keeping us informed. we just wanna know you ain't ded!

Can you atleast show us preview image how the new update gonna be like ?


The easiest way to see this would be to jump in the discord, but I got you.


Are there any cheats to the game?


Currently there are Ultimate moves that you can use. It's basically a guaranteed win, so yes. But if you are asking are there cheat codes to pimp yourself out: No, nothing at this stage.


any new progress made on the next update? Or at least a rough estimate to when it will be ready?


All I can say is soon, every time I think its ready, I find something else to fix >_< All the content I want in the update is in, so I am just making sure its semi-playable


An update on this, the new build is being tested at the moment. Once it gets though that, the build will be public. Expect it to take me a week or 2 (or more) to get the bugs fixed.


android version is still in progress?


Yes, very much so. I have the controls and everything in, but there are some problems I haven't had time to work out. I am trying to finish up the current build before I spend a heap of time on the android build.

Do you mind if you can also add Snake in the next update 😅.


Lamias are in progress, but they will not make it in the next update

I meant like a male version of it.


how are you doing?


How's it going?


Getting close to a new playable test build. A lot of changes incoming.

Deleted post

Is there gonne by more space to store the slaves?


Tames* and yes, there will be upgrades from the current 6, to 8 to 10. As part of the story, I have it half done at the moment.


yeah i meant tames :P

alright cool :)


Hope the shop will be available in the update


about this in the future will it be possible to have sex with two characters together?


I am trying out new art for sex now. Once I have a clear understanding of how to do it easier, I got you, I'll get some three way action in.


if it were possible i would like to know that insert a pregnancy system


It's a planned feature, yes.


Just to prepare me well, when should the next update come out? and then a question of consequences could be put in the future the race of Trolls (the 5 meters tall species)


I have a troll in my list of bosses, currently there is a giant boss going in, a medusa has art being done now, then a dragon, then troll.


I would say it's going well, I'm super curious how it will evolve

(Me guessing by myself for another update for this game) 

New map (if someone already said it). 

Boss battle??? 

Skills button need to be fix a little bc heal and heal all suppose to heal our teamate. 

New characters and sex scene (Same as I said the first one). 

Maybe a button to open the map. 

Probably add something new on the settings(Like I said from before). 


I hope he will like my idea😐😐😐


A map idea is nice, I will think about it!


Will there be a android versions, also if this has already been asked I was unable to find it in the comments

I don't think so


Yeah, making it now. It's harder than I thought, but I'll make it work.


i assume by the date that the next update will arrive in 2022 so what does it bring to the table, new mechanics? maybe some spaces for more creatures?


ok... but i love this game somuch like, BOOMXAKALAKA, so where is the next update 


will the species option in the character customization always be locked for patreon or will it be released to the public soon?


Its going to be released very soon, the alpha is basically done. And the beta will be different.


is there a confirmed release date?

I may connected my ps4 controller on this game and it somehow work (only exploring around NOT during battle).


Haha thats awesome! 

(1 edit) (+1)

Bit of a crazy question but, are you planning to put this on Steam at any point?

I mean, there seems to be a lot of Patreons who put their stuff on Steam and I was wondering if you had thought about it.


One day, once development is finished I might. But for now, no.

Deleted 3 years ago

It's coming, it's a large update so it is taking me a long time



I have some questions about Tamer

  1. How can you open the Talk, solo play, be touched, give oral, submissive sex and anal, with all the characters in training?

Two. When will it be possible to shop and sell items and weapons?

Three. Will it be possible to buy more space to the monster you tame?

its wery little space just for 6 monsters, especially when you can t go bak to sell not before you have reach the town or marked

Four. will it possible to costumine/change on all characters and on the monsters u have tamed/on the team, change hair ,size,stuff, skills in the game?

five. How can you tell witch weapon and clothing is best?

i just uses the most expinsive ones

six. The skills and tease is not working like it should, the character are just doing one move when i choose in skill or tease

seven. the back botton seems to show up while playing, if i click it then the game crashes, and i have to restart it

the saves working

Eight. Will it be possible to upgrade inventory?

Nine. There shuld been possible the teleport back to places You been/wisit before

Ten. the cloting don t be removed in sex scenes, just some times but just one clothing

Think thats all for this time

Other then that, great game and looking forward to the next update

Deleted 3 years ago

I don't have art to make it possible to give oral to females. The boob is a maybe, I'll think about it. Thanks for playing!

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

It should, but the jump from alpha to beta is taking a lot longer than I thought. So many little time consuming things.


Would threesomes be possible in future builds?

EX: female Tamer x two Werewolves/ male Tamer, male Werecat x female Werecat/ female Tamer, female Dragon x Male dragon.

This could be an option for building up the stats of two Tames at once plus maybe, depending on the position chosen, their Dominance or Submissiveness.

Just a thought I had while recovering (I twisted my ankle pretty bad at work the other day so I've got nothing better to do than prop my feet up and fiddle around on my PC).


I don't know how I would do it with the current art, but it is possible with new art. No promises though.

Deleted 251 days ago

Yes, in the very near future


Frist or later you make a version apk ?


Coming soon


anyway to transfer and check the game save data from this device to another one ? i have change to my new decvice and dont want to lose all save data ( i use window ) thanks for answer


user > AppData > LocalLow > PlagueStudios. That's where most games will default store. I have never tried to move the data from one device to another, let me know how it goes.


thanks for your answer lets my try it


its worked thanks


pls i love this game, but, i need a guide, the mom say to me make money, but how i make money


A money system isn't needed in the alpha, the dialogue is just placeholder. In the beta money will be useful and required.


ok, ty


Hey again, I have another question. The werecat in the Tutorial, Dusty, will you be able to interact with him more in future builds or no he's just there to show you the ropes?

Also, regarding other NPCs, will there be Tamer vs Tamer battles later on?


Yes and Yes. :D


Excellent, looking forward to seeing it in the future.

Also, and forgive me if I sound like a broken record, I know you said that pregnancy was going to be a part of the game in future builds, so how would that work exactly? I mean the mechanics like, Tamer/ Tame conceives, Tame (whether it be the Father or Mother) receives a 'Affinity' or 'Loyalty' boost, and does the Tamer/Tame basically walk around a certain number of steps/ amount of time before the offspring is born?

Afterward what becomes of offspring?

The mechanics will be finalized in the patches leading up to the pregnancy release. Basically, the mechanics I have in mind are the child is New Game+, and you play as it 18 years in the future, the previous player character becomes the family member lost to the Cave, and the journey begins again. This time searching for your parent, not your sister.
As to what the child looks like, there will be no children or art for children in the game. Physical traits will be a mix of the parents, (I'm still sorting this out) something like a human with the tames ears, wings, horns and tail. A crystal ball in the town will tell you what the child will look like as an adult, and that's the point at which you can choose New Game+ or not.
That is the current plan. But things change, and there is only so much I can do alone, so you will have to wait and see how it turns out.

Thanks for the continued interest <3


has this update come out yet?

Can you add the resolution on the option menu like the other game ?


I'll look into it, I have never messed with that before

(1 edit) (+1)

Why does the Patreon Build (on here and Patreon) seem to have less than the public build? Yes, it has the ability to make your character other species (which I do love btw) but lacks some of the animations that the public build has.


It shouldn't lack anything. But the patreon build is, if you jump in the discord and do a quick search you should be able to find the current experimental build, which has far more again. There are major changes between 0.0.6 and 0.0.7, if you think it was unintentional, let me know which animations and I will double check it.

Thanks for playing and supporting!

(1 edit) (+1)

gah. I was going off the one in here n the Patreon page. I'll definitely download it as soon as I get home from work. Btw I love it so far. Thanks for having alternative genders too! A lot of games don't/won't,  or it's an after thought. Btw it's Arsidora. Apparently I have a different account on my phone lol


haves you gotten any animators to work with you yet? Or liek, would that be not necessary yet for the stuff to do with the next update for the time being?


I was remember he already has, but idk how many also it's necessary since he build for android as well. If he wasn't make that stuff.

It's kind of little tired to wait (for those ask about animation).


Currently Tamer makes enough to pay for a single artist 2 weeks out of every month, and a writer for a few days a month and I make basically nothing. I cannot afford to hire someone else at this stage, especially when I can do it myself, even if it is badly.
At some stage though, an animator will be hired to fix my mess.
Jump in the discord if you have any more questions!

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